The Vine is a community of people lingering with God, learning from God
and loving like God together in Humansdorp, Jeffreys Bay and St Francis Bay.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Thought for Thursday: 'I don't want your money, honey. I want your love.'

We have three verses to think about this Thursday morning:

"...a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God." ~ Jesus (Luke 12:21)
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need." ~ Jesus (Luke 12:31)
"Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." ~ Jesus (Luke 12:34)
I think these verses speak for themselves. It's always good to check the context of the passages. You can read the full passage online here.

What do you think? How rich is your relationship with God - on a scale of 1 to 10 - one being dire poverty and 10 being extravagantly, gloriously wealthy?

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